A few words

About Us






National Association for the Blind U.P State Branch has been diligently working for the all round development of visually impaired and multi disabled visually impaired persons in the state of Uttar Pradesh, including their education, vocational training, employment , advocacy along with their personality development. Since its inception, each year has been a forward leap in NAB U.P’s reach in promoting the interests of people with vision loss in India.
The Emolyment Department plays a vital role in helping visually challenged job-seekers find suitable employment, by working closely with the candidates and liaising with companies – both in public and private sector – to give the blind the opportunity to get into the work force.In cases where blind persons are placed in the Government,public sector, determined efforts are made to optimally utilize the 4% reservation for the disabled provided under the RPwD Act (2016) secure jobs for the blind in the Government and public sector; and convince prospective employers in the private sector to employ the blind. NAB has immensely contributed to the process of identifying jobs in the open market, which could be managed by the blind.h

What can u do?

Sponsor a cow, buffalo, sewing machine or Photostat machine, which costs between Rs.25,000 to Rs.30,000; which would assist a visually impaired person in self employment. donate old newspapers for making of paper bags; assist in organizing training programs to augment employability of the blind; employ suitable blind persons in your organization.



pening up of new vistas of opportunities for the neglected

segments of Our blind population residing in rural areas of U.P

is our major concern. On the other hand, facilitating access to

information and harnessing appropriate technologies for

improving the quality of life of our blind friends is a matter of

faith with us. Seeking out new and challenging work-

opportunities commensurate with the interests and capabilities

of our blind youngsters is yet another challenging task before

us. We have to make our programs and services consistent

with the daunting demands and realities of the twenty-first

century. That is the volume and magnitude of work for which

we strive to design and develop our future strategies and



The various concessions and facilities available to the
visually challenged today are a result of advocacy activities
initiated by NAB.
      NAB liaises with Government and private organizations in
respect of issues affecting the lives and dignity of people
with visual impairment; promotes policy changes; and
provides cost-free legal assistance to visually challenged
individuals, through a Legal Aid Centre, to solve their
personal and professional problems.
Aim and Objectives
Advocacy for Protection of Rights of the Visually Challenged.
(1) To Educate: Government officials about the policy
changes required for inclusion of the visually challenged in
mainstream society; private manufacturers about the

consumer rights of visually challenged consumers; and the
visually challenged about their own rights.
(2) Set up legal aid cells for the blind.
(3) Organize sensitization program for the stakeholders.
(4) Implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Act, 2016 in letter and spirit.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart"

~Hellen Keller